Higher Advisory Body

The Higher Advisory Body:

  1. It is an advisory body of qualified, experienced and specialized scientists, thinkers, researchers and those interested in the educational process, providing technical advice in the areas that serve the goals and mission of the Federation, and are chosen from member universities and international experts.
  2.  The president of the supreme consultative body and two vice-presidents from Africa and Asia are chosen from the members of the Executive Council or from the members of the Union or from personalities who have international and regional influence in the scientific, academic and knowledge fields and are known for their competence, excellence and giving, by nominating and recommending the president of the federation or the Secretary-General or The CEO shall have a term of two years, renewable only once by free direct selection of members of the Executive Council.
  3. The head of the advisory body reviews the strategic plan of the federation, gives suggestions and put forward visions that contribute to the revival of the union members, and cooperates with the union committees.
  4. The advisory body is in charge of drafting and reviewing conference axis titles, seminars and workshops in coordination with the CEO.
  5.  The advisory body is one of the main pillars involved in examining the Federation’s questionnaires and the criteria for classification of universities, institutes and scientific institutions, as well as setting controls for eligibility for Union awards.
  6.  The president of the advisory body or one of his deputies is entitled (in the absence of the head of the advisory body) to attend the sessions of the Executive Council and the General Conference and to express an opinion and vote.
  7.  The president of the Union or the Secretary-General has the right, in coordination with the president of the advisory body, to invite a member of the advisory body to attend the sessions of the executive council or the general conference to review the proposals, visions and advisory reports related to raising or addressing the issue of what they were assigned and express their opinion on it without the right to vote.

The philosophy of forming the Supreme Advisory Body of the Union of Afro Asia Universities:

In the interest of the Union of Afro-Asia Universities to activate the real role of its programs and activities in accordance with its vision, mission and goals in practice , and the belief of the Union that the field of education, whether through universities, institutes, centers, institutions, and related associations is the basis of investment for the human mind and the center of awareness, progress, renaissance, development, creativity and production It is the frame of reference for implanting values ​​and identifying positive constructive intellectual trends that are consistent, harmonious and aligned with the community system and its religious and social norms and values.

Therefore, the Union was keen to provide its advisory services in all fields and disciplines that serve the educational process and benefit and impact on the individual, society and humanity as a whole in a way that achieves good, growth, progress and sustainable development and contributes to self-development.

The Union includes a specialized local, international and international advisory body and those with expertise and competencies in all scientific, research, academic and development fields skills to provide educational, pedagogical and professional consulting, draw and formulate strategic plans for the educational, pedagogical, professional and training process, review curricula and update programs in both the theoretical and practical aspects.

The organizational structure of the advisory body:

  1. The Union’s supreme advisory body is composed of experts and specialists in the field of higher education, intellectuals, media, economics, politics and society from Africa, Asia and other collaborators from other continents
  2.  The advisory board is made up of individuals who have impeccable credentials, which is conceived to lead to conducting the best international standards in consulting and evaluation.
  3.  The advisory council meets periodically to develop a road map for solutions, proposals and strategic plans.
  4.  A president and two deputies to the advisory council are chosen (taking into account the geographical distribution in the selection) and assigning a sub-chairmanship to the specialized and specific committees after examining the curriculum vitae including the scientific and practical curriculum and the approval of the authority concerned with the union.
  5.  The term of the Presidency of the Consultative Council, its two deputies, and the chairmanship of the sub-committees shall be two years, renewable only once
  6.  The president of the Union, the secretary general, or the executive director has the right to invite a member of the advisory body to attend the sessions of the executive council or the general conference to review the proposals, visions and advisory reports related to the presentation or treatment of the subject of their assignment and give their opinion on it.

The slogan of the Union Advisory Body Team:

Seriousness, commitment, scientific and professional honesty, and providing the best consultations that suit the possible solutions according to a scientific and methodological mechanism, plans and programs that suit reality, the environment and society, the available capabilities and the diversity of alternatives to solutions and treatment methods.

The tasks of the Advisory Body of the Union of Afro Asia Universities:

  1.  Providing educational and educational solutions for individuals, organizations and society in a way that contributes to raising their efficiency and effectiveness and increasing their productivity and achieving them success in achieving their goals and the continuity of their excellence.
  2.  Continuous development of professional, technical, educational and training competencies for employees of universities, academies, institutes, training centers, institutions, societies and those in educational positions and seeking to provide them with expertise, skills and directions that enable them to contribute to the development of the educational and educational process in all its axes and achieve the set goals
  3.  Setting a future strategy that adopts the youth generation and helps it overcome difficulties, obstacles and crises, especially with regard to addressing unemployment issues and the needs of the labor market
  4.  Caring for future political, economic, social and cultural studies related to Africa and Asia.
  5.  Implementing comprehensive programs to build the institutional capacities of universities in order to enable them to efficiently and efficiently manage their business and to have financial and administrative systems to depend on themselves.
  6.  Monitoring each classification that is produced strictly in order to control the quality in a way that guarantees the independence, quality and safety of the classifications, which leads to international recognition.
  7.  Setting strategic plans and standards for making global partnerships, controls for memoranda of understanding and cooperation, implementation mechanism and fair and mutual benefit
  8.  Full operational control and supervision of survey operations
  9.  Improving the educational process through improving all the factors affecting it.
  10.  Supporting and supporting educational environments in achieving their educational and pedagogical role and increasing their expertise
  11.  Contributing to improving the educational process and developing it through planning and following up the implementation in a way that leads to improving the level of performance in the field and evaluating the elements of education and all its inputs, processes and outputs.
  12.  Developing the professional growth of faculty members, improving their performance and teaching methods, and creating educational and educational change.
  13.  Providing consultations that contribute to developing the administrative work, modernizing the technological structure, and achieving improvement and quality.
  14.  Work to direct the human and material capabilities in an optimal way and strive for the quality of their use.
  15.  Enhancing cooperation relations with global and regional bodies and organizations related to the Union’s goals and actions.
  16.  Enhancing communication and integration relations with consulting offices and training centers, opening work areas and dealing with consultants and trainers.
  17.  Monitor and analyze the educational situation and benefit from this in developing the educational and educational process axes, overcoming obstacles and proposing appropriate solutions for them.
  18.  Cooperate in creating and updating courses and curricula that keep pace with contemporary reality and the requirements of the labor market, and strive to equate programs, decisions, scientific, academic and research certificates among members of the Union in the service of science students.
  19.  Striving to shift the attention of member universities to electronic management, increase areas of excellence, enhance the utilization of information sources, and devise new patterns of teaching and learning, and increase their absorptive capacity while ensuring quality.
  20.  Monitor the phenomena in the societies in which the universities of the Federation are located, and contribute to the development of the necessary and appropriate frameworks, strategies and visions to treat this phenomenon.
  21.  Contribute to the selection and formulation of topics and themes of seminars and conferences, and participate in preparing recommendations and proposals in accordance with controls and criteria that are compatible with the mission and goals of the institution concerned, and between the requirements of society and contemporary reality issues.