
The death of the scholar, Professor Muhammad Firangi, a student of Imam Badi al-Zaman Saeed al-Nursi

With great sadness and sorrow, the Executive Office of the Union of Afro-Asian Universities received the news of the death of the ascetic scholar and one of the students of the Risale-i Nur, Professor Muhammad Firinji, a student of Imam Badi’ al-Zaman Said Nursi, who devoted his life to calling to God with wisdom and good advice and spreading the truths of the Qur’an and faith. He was an example and model of modesty and virtuous morals and a living and honorable image of the Muslim human being who is characterized by the Muhammadan qualities and the approach of the honorable companions. Professor Muhammad Firinji passed away at the age of 92, all of which were full of giving and serving Islam and Muslims and introducing the works of Imam Badi’ al-Zaman Said Nursi, which are the Risale-i Nur. It is worth noting that the deceased, by the permission of God Almighty, traveled to many countries of the world to introduce the true image of Islam away from fanaticism, sectarianism and denominationalism. He participated in many conferences, seminars and scientific meetings, the most prominent of which was his participation from the first international conference to the eleventh conference on the thought of Imam Badi’ al-Zaman Said Nursi, which was held in the city of Istanbul under the auspices of the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Science in Turkey, as well as the Islamic Unity Conference in the Thought of Imam Badi’ al-Zaman Said Nursi, which was held in Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in 2013 AD with the attendance and participation of nearly 30 countries We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return. Glory be to the Ever-Living Who does not die. O Allah, forgive the believing men and women, the Muslim men and women, the living and the dead. O Allah, reward us for our affliction and replace it with something better. We ask Allah Almighty to have mercy on the deceased and to grant him a place in His spacious gardens and to inspire his family, relatives, students of Risale-i-Nur and his loved ones with patience and solace.